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On January 29th contestants from around the Department of Maryland gathered at Post 8950 in Lanham, Maryland to find out who won this year's Voice of Democracy Contest. State Commander Williams welcomes attendees to the State Patriot's Pen and Voice of Democracy Contests State Honor Guard from Post 10159 presenting Colors State VFW Voice of Democracy Chairman Mike Perini, State Auxiliary Scholarship Chairman Felicia Weeks, and State Patriot's Pen Chairman Mike Reamy. Those in attendance to oversee the program. Those in attendance to oversee the contests. Sheet in honor of the contestants who participated in the State's Patriot's Pen and Voice of Democracy Contests. Wearing her jacket that was given to her by the National VFW last year's winner addresses those in attendance. District 1 Commander and President escort their contestant to the podium. District 2 Commander escorts their contestant to the podium. District 4 Commander and President escorting their contestant to the podium. District Commander escorting their contestant to the podium. Post Commander escorting their contestant to the podium. District Commander and President escorting their contestant to the podium. District Commander and President escorting their contestant to the podium. District Commander and President escorting their contestant to the podium. District Commander and President escorting their contestant to the podium. District Commander and President escorting their contestant to the podium. Voice of Democracy contestants awaiting the judging results. Host Post 8950 Commander and fellow officer. State photographer at the contest. Contestant is given a citation and monetary award for her efforts. Contestant given a citation and monetary award for her efforts. Contestant receiving a citation and monetary award for his effort. Contestant given a citation and monetary award for her effort. Contestant given a citation and monetary award for his effort. Contestant given a citation and monetary award for his effort. Contestant given a citation and monetary award for her effort. Contestant given a citation and monetary award for her effort. The winning contestant given a citation and monetary award for his effort.  He will be going to the National Contest in hopes of winning a scholarship State winner of this year's Voice of Democracy Contest giving his winning essay. State VOD Chairman address the young adults and audience following the conclusion of the awards. Shown are the VFW Voice of Democracy Chairman, State Commander, all the contestants, State Auxiliary President, State Auxiliary Scholarship Chairman and National Auxiliary Junior Vice President.  This year's Voice of Democracy Contest with a cake celebrating his win.