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Address the audience. Post officers escorting their contestant to the podium. District commander escorting contestant to the podium. Post Commander escorting contestant to podium. District Commander and President escorting their contestant to the podium. District Commander and President escorting their contestant to the podium. District Commander and President escorting their contestant to the podium. The contestants for the Patriot's Pen contest await the judging results. VFW and Auxiliary Patriot's Pen Chairmen going over their notes. State Commander and President awarding citation to young lady for her efforts. State Commander and President awarding citation to young lady for her efforts. State Commander and President awarding a citation to a young lady for her efforts. State Commander and President awarding a citation to a young man for his efforts. State Commander and President awarding a young lady a citation for her efforts. State Commander and President awarding District Commander and President a citation and monetary award to their contestant who could not attend the program. State Commander and President awarding citation and monetary award to a young lady for placing in the Patriot's Pen Contest. State Commander and President giving the Patriot's winner a citation and monetary award.  This young man will advance to the National Judging where he can be awarded more awards. Winner of the Patriot's Pen Contest reading his speech to the audience. State Commander commenting on the efforts of all the young adults who entered the contest. National Auxiliary Junior Vice President addressing the audience. State President addresses the audience. Host Post 8950 Commander welcomes the audience to his post and invites all to stay for refreshments. Auxiliary 8950 President welcomes everyone to the Post. Picture of Patriot's Pen Chairman, State Commander, contestants, State Auxiliary President, Auxiliary Chairman, and National Auxiliary Junior Vice President in attendance. Patriot's Pen winner posing with his family. Patriot's Pen winner and Auxiliary President showing off cake in his honor.